Mar 31, 2025  
Dallas College Catalog 2024-2025 
Dallas College Catalog 2024-2025 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Academic Probation (AP) Restriction - an academic probation restriction occurs when a student’s academic standing drops below a 2.0 Cumulative GPA. This restriction prevents a student from registering online.

Academic Standing: See Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Advisor: See Success Coach.

Add: Adding an additional course(s) to a class schedule.

Admission: The process of being admitted to Dallas College. A person wishing to enroll must complete an application, be accepted and receive acknowledgement of acceptance from the Admissions Office before registering for classes.

Adult Basic Education (ABE): Reading, Writing and Math basic remedial education for adult learners.

Application: Submitting a request to be accepted to enroll in Dallas College.

Audit: The opportunity to enroll in a credit course without receiving academic credit. Audit students are required to meet all the course requirements expected of the other students taking the course.

Baccalaureate Degree: All baccalaureate degrees conferred by Dallas College are based on the satisfactory completion of specific authorized degree programs comprising a minimum of 120 semester credit hours. Baccalaureate degrees are awarded for completion of an undergraduate program of study. The School of Education currently offers a baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching. Bachelor’s degrees are comprised of general education courses, a major, elective courses, and in some cases a minor.

Career Pathway (formerly Tech-Prep): An educational process where Dallas College and the public high school districts cooperatively develop and implement a planned sequence of courses to prepare students for technologically advanced careers. Career Pathway students earn college credit while in high school and advance to college programs after graduation.

Career and Technical Courses: Courses that are designed to aid the student in developing skills to be used in the job market and that lead to a certificate or Associate of Applied Science Degree  in a technical or occupational program. These courses are designed to aid the student in developing entry-level skills to be used in the job market. Consult an advisor regarding transferability if you plan to attend a four-year institution.

Catalog: The official listing of courses and programs students can select from to earn certificates, associate degrees or bachelor of applied science degree. Dallas College Catalog also includes general information about the college and also specifies the policies and procedures enforced by the college. When a new college catalog is published annually, the catalog is classified as current, active or historic. A current catalog is one that is published for students’ use in the current academic year. An active catalog includes the current catalog and the previous four years of catalogs that still have shelf life. A historic catalog is one that is older than five years and has been frozen in time. Current, active and historic catalogs are available to students online. Learn more about Choosing a Catalog Year .

Class Schedule: A listing of all the courses being offered at any time and includes the section numbers, dates, times, room numbers, and instructor’s names.

College-Level Math: Requires a student to have successfully completed two years of high school algebra and an appropriate assessment test score, a standard which is higher than the state’s TSI standard, or successfully complete Developmental Mathematics level(s) with a grade of “C” or better.

Common Course Numbers: Since Fall 1995, the Common Course Number  has been used for the same course by a number of colleges throughout Texas to help students identify how a course will transfer. The lack of a Common Course Number does not necessarily mean a course will not transfer.

Concurrent Enrollment: (a) Enrollment of a high school student in Dallas College while still enrolled in high school; (b) Enrollment Dallas College and another college or university at the same time; (c) Enrollment in both credit and continuing education courses at the same time.

Core: When the word “Core” is capitalized in the catalog, it indicates 42-prescribed hours of a degree plan that a student must successfully complete in order to receive an Associate in Arts or Associate in Sciences Degree .  When the word “core” is not capitalized in the catalog, it indicates the core list of courses at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) level.

Co-requisite/Concurrent: A course requirement that must be met simultaneously with another course.

Course Load: The number of hours or courses in which a student is enrolled in any given semester.

Course Time Limitation: Some designated courses have age or time limitations. COSC 1300, COSC 1309, COSC 1315 , COSC 1317, COSC 1320, COSC 1401, COSC 1415, COSC 1430, COSC 1436 COSC 1437 , COSC 2415, COSC 2425 , COSC 2430, COSC 2436 , BCIS 1405  and BCIS 1431 are good for ten (10) years only. If taken prior to that time the course will not be utilized to fulfill degree/certificate requirements. (For example: If you took COSC 1300 in the Fall of 2003, that course was only good until Fall 2013 to fulfill degree/certificate requirements. You will need to complete another appropriate course as listed in the requirement.)

Credit: The numerical value assigned to a course (See “credit hours/semester hours below.”)

Credit Hours/Semester Hours: The number of credits awarded for successfully completing a course(s). This number is determined by the type of class and the number of hours it meets per week. Semester credit hours are sometimes referred to as SCH.

Credit/Non-Credit: The distinction between courses that accrue semester credit value and those offered through Continuing Education for CE Unit (CEU) value.

Dallas College: Established in Summer 2020, Dallas College is a single-accredited college that has seven campuses (Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake, and Richland). Dallas College received its accreditation approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is subject to the policies established by the Dallas College Board of Trustees. Learn more about Dallas College Board of Trustees at

DCCCD: Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) is the former name of Dallas College. The former college was often times referred to by its acronym, DCCCD. The former college consisted of a body of seven-individually accredited colleges - Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake, and Richland. The seven former colleges are now campuses of Dallas College.

Developmental Studies Courses: Courses that develop prerequisite skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Because of the nature of these courses, the credit earned will not count toward graduation requirements and may not be transferred to colleges outside Dallas College.

Distance Learning/Online: These courses are delivered fully online and, in some cases, may have components that require students to attend a designated campus.

Dropping a Course: The act of officially withdrawing from a particular course without penalty before a specified date. See the Academic Calendar for 2023 - 2024  in Dallas College catalog for “Last Day to Withdraw.” It is the student’s responsibility to drop a course by the date published. Effective Fall 2004 semester, students may have to pay a higher rate tuition for the third or subsequent time they attempt a course. Students should take care in dropping a course as any future retake of that course may result in a higher tuition. Learn more about Third Course Attempt at Effective Fall 2007 semester, a first-time freshman student who enrolls in a Texas public institution of higher education during the fall semester of 2007 or thereafter may drop no more than six (6) college-level courses unless the drop qualifies as an exception. Learn more about Dropping/Withdrawing from College .

Dual Credit: Credit earned for both high school and college via concurrently enrolled high school students.

Early College High Schools (ECHS): Innovative high schools that enable students, who are considered at-risk or first generation, the opportunity to attend college and high school simultaneously, and to earn a high school diploma and up to 60 college-credit hours or an Associate degree. Early College High Schools:

  • Provide dual credit courses at no cost to students,
  • Offer rigorous instruction through college courses,
  • Provide academic and social support services to help students succeed, and
  • Reduce barriers to college access and degree attainment.

eCampus: Courses offered online are sometimes referred to as “eCampus” courses. eCampus also refers to the website students use to access their online courses. Access eCampus at

eConnect: eConnect is a web application that allows you to plan your schedule, search, register/drop and pay for your credit classes, buy books, order transcripts, view your grades and access your personal/financial information online. You must meet certain eligibility criteria to register online. All students are eligible to search or pay for credit classes and access their personal/financial information using eConnect. Access eConnect at

Electives: Courses that do not count toward a major but are required for most college degrees. Consult with a success coach before deciding upon electives.

Embedded Course: A course which is shorter in length than the regular semester in which the course is scheduled. The starting and ending dates of the course fall within the starting and ending dates of the semester.

Excessive Hours : the equivalent charge of out of state tuition an institution is legally allowed to charge for credit hours taken beyond the state credit hour limits.

Flexible-Entry Course: A course with beginning and ending dates that are different from the regular semester. This is also referred to as “flex-entry” or “short semester.” Access Class Schedule at

Former Student: One who has not attended Dallas College (formerly Dallas County Community College District) in the past academic year.

Freshman: A student who has completed fewer than 30 semester credit hours.

Full-time Student: A student who is enrolled for at least 12 credit hours during a long semester or for six credit hours during a summer session.

Good Standing: Learn more about Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA). Two different ways of computing a GPA are utilized. Learn more about “Grades and Transcripts .”

Grade Points: Learn more about “Grades and Transcripts .”

Grades: Learn more about “Grades and Transcripts .”

IncludED: IncludED  is a collaborative initiative between Dallas College and our campus bookstore partner, Follett. IncludED is designed to make the college experience more affordable and accessible for various student populations.

Indefinite Academic Dismissal (IDIS): Learn more about Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Junior: A student who has completed 60 semester credit hours but fewer than 90 semester credit hours.

Lab Hours: The number of hours a student spends each week in a laboratory learning experience outside the classroom.

Lecture Hours: The number of hours a student spends each week in a classroom learning experience.

Major: The subject or field of study in which the student plans to specialize. For example, one “majors” in Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business Administration, etc.

Mathematics Pathway Models: Developmental and basic academic skills coursework/interventions that prepare students for academic/workforce training programs and careers.

NCBO (Non-Course Based Option): Non-semester-length developmental education interventions.

Non-Degree Credit Course: A course which may not be counted toward a degree or certificate. The term includes developmental education, pre-collegiate and general continuing education courses.

Non-Standard Term Course: A course which has a different starting date than the regular semester and the ending date of the course is after the ending date of that semester. Refer to Class Schedule at

Occupational Licensed Programs (House Bill HB1508): Find out more at

Part-time Student: A student who is enrolled for less than 12 credit hours during a semester or less than six credit hours in a summer session.

Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH): Innovative high schools that bring together the best elements of high school, college and the professional world. P-TECH enables students to begin their college and professional lives more quickly and with more support than the typical school-to-work pathway through the supportive efforts of the high school, college and the industry partner. P-TECH students have the opportunity to enroll in dual-credit courses at no cost, earn a certificate and/or an Associate degree and leave the school with the skills and knowledge they need in order to continue their studies or step seamlessly into competitive jobs.

Performance Grade: A grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “F.” This does not include the grades of “W,” “I,” “E” or “WX”. Refer to “Grades and Transcripts ” for more information on grades and grade point averages.

Prerequisite: See “Prerequisite (Recommended).”

Prerequisite (Recommended): Course(s) that provide students with further instructions or additional information essential to student success. Students are not prevented from registering for courses that have a recommended prerequisite. Learn more about Course Prerequisites .

Prerequisite (Required): A requirement that must be met before registering for a specified course. Learn more about Course Prerequisites .

Probation: A warning to a student whose academic work or individual behavior is unsatisfactory. Students on probation may be suspended if their Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing  does not improve.

Probation One (PROB1): Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Probation Two (PROB2): Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Probation Three (PROB3): Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Program of Study: A guide that helps you determine what classes you need to take to earn a specific certification or degree.

Registration: The official process of meeting all enrollment requirements. Access Class Schedule at for dates and times.

Registration Number: A randomly assigned number associated with a specific registration.

Semester: The term designating the time divisions of a school year: FA=Fall semester, SP=Spring semester and SU=Summer semesters.

Senior: A student who has completed between 90 to 120 semester credit hours (or to completion of baccalaureate degree requirement).

Single-Course Delivery: A course offered as response to local industry need but is not included in the specific degree/certificate plan as listed in the official Dallas College Catalog.

Sophomore: A student who has completed 30 semester credit hours but fewer than 60 semester credit hours.

Success Coach: Formerly known as advisors, success coaches connect with students after they enroll at Dallas College, offering support and guidance from registration through graduation or transfer.

Suspension (SUSP): Scholastic Performance and Academic Standing .

Syllabus (Syllabi): A guide identifying the specific requirements for a particular course. Students usually receive a syllabus from the instructor at the beginning of each credit course.

Technical/Occupational Courses: Courses that are designed to aid the student in developing skills to be used in workforce. Consult a success coach regarding transferability if you plan to attend a four-year institution.

Transfer Courses: Courses that are designed to transfer to other colleges and universities. Students need to consult with a Dallas College campus Transfer Liaison about the transferability of specific courses. Because a course will transfer does not mean it will apply toward a specific major or degree at a four-year college or university. Dallas College adheres to the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Lower and Upper Division Academic Course Guide Manuals for academic transfer courses. Visit the Transfer Students website at

Transfer Review Transfer reviews are only conducted using official transcripts for passing work completed at accredited colleges and universities. Students who are currently in associate or bachelor’s degree pathways at Dallas College or at other institutions need to consult with a Dallas College campus Success Coach about the transferability of specific courses into the bachelor’s degree program.

Please visit here to read more about the Dallas College transfer process.

Transcript: An official copy of a student’s academic record that can be obtained through the Admission/Registrar’s Office. An official transcript must have the seal of Dallas College affixed and the signature of the Registrar.

TSI: Texas Success Initiative; See TSI and Assessment .

Upper-Level Coursework: Courses designated as 3000- and 4000-level that are primarily (but not exclusively) designated for students that have junior- or senior-level standing. Upper-division courses are specialized, in-depth, and advanced, and emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills and theoretical applications. These courses often build on the foundation provided by the skills and knowledge of lower-division education.

Withdrawal: The act of ending enrollment in classes. A student withdrawing must go through a formal procedure. Refer to the Academic Calendar  for the “Last Day to Withdraw”. Effective Fall 2004, students may have to pay a higher rate of tuition for the third or more times they attempt a course. Learn more about Third Attempt Courses at It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw by the appropriate date. Any future retake of that course may result in a higher rate of tuition.